Wednesday 22 January 2014

Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2016 -Top 10 Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2016

Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2016
Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2016 Changes in the Sun's magnetic field will lead to powerful flares.
So what else is new under the sun? The sun goes though a well-documented 11-year sunspot cycle that is driven by its magnetic field entangling, reforming and flipping polarity. Yes, the peak of the next cycle is in 2016 (or 2016), and some predictions suggest it might be 30 to 50 percent stronger than the last peak.
But experts say it will certainly not be the biggest peak ever recorded.
The bottom line is that no dragon's breath of flame will stretch across 100 million miles of space and blowtorch Earth. The largest solar flare recorded to date, on Nov. 4, 2003, spewed several billions of tons of plasma in Earth's direction. The flare's X-ray radiation that impacted our protective atmosphere had the equivalent radiation of 5,000 suns.
We're still here.
-Top 10 Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2016Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2016 -Top 10 Reasons Why the World Won't End in 2016


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